Happy International Women’s Day!

Happy International Women’s Day! Known globally as the day to celebrate the achievements of women and to empower the next generation of people.  We thought what better day to shine

Why University isn’t always the only route – In the words of OMBS student, Polly Eastick.

University was always a route I knew wasn't for me. I had no idea which degree I would study and simply put I didn’t want to commit to a certain

60 second interview with Mattie

Mattie is almost at the end of Term 1, a term which has been a blend of online teaching and in the College. As we edge closer to the end

4 reasons you should consider temping as a graduate

So, you’ve graduated – congratulations! While you’re entering a fairly tricky job market, all is not lost. While you may have hoped you’d be able to launch straight into a

60 second interview with George

George is half way through the course and so we thought it might be the right time to find out more about how things are going and what he has

Dress for success: read these 5 Top Tips before your interview

It's all about those first 30 seconds. You've read our 5 Top Tips about job interviews you have never heard, now you need to make sure that when you walk