Graduate Careers In The Property Sector with Annie Youngman

A lot of our graduates express an interest in working in the property sector, so we were thrilled to catch up with Annie, a July 2023 graduate. Here she shares with us what it’s like working for John D Wood & Co, one of the largest London letting agents.

What is your current job role title, company name and sector, and where are you working in terms of location?

I’m a Sales Administrator for John D Wood for the Oxford & Wimbledon Lettings & Sales offices. Most of the time I am based in Oxford, twice a month I visit the London Wimbledon office.

Describe a typical day in your position for us…

I’m in the office for 8.45 am and we start with team meetings updating each other about the properties currently for sale.

My daily tasks include email management, updating our property system, and managing the paperwork for our property sales. I spend lots of time ensuring we are compliant and running financial checks on potential clients buying properties.

Every quarter administrators are audited and it is my responsibility to ensure we are fully up to date on all our compliances and property paperwork.

Occasionally I will also go out on property viewings to learn more about the industry from more experienced colleagues, which I enjoy! I also get involved in local marketing, helping to create marketing materials to attract interest in our services.

Graduate Role In Property

What do you love most about your role?

Every day is very different, which means it’s varied and interesting! We have a constant stream of properties! The compliance part of my role can be very challenging but can add excitement to the role as there is pressure to ensure we are always fully compliant.

I love the team I work with as we have lots of fun. I also love the responsibility of being a core member of the team because ultimately my work supports everyone’s success.

Which OMBS skills have you found most beneficial to you in your position? 

I use many skills from OMBS! Everything related to Outlook has been helpful to me, and my speed typing ability means that I complete work quickly and efficiently. My file management skills have really helped me organise my work and the team.

How did studying with OMBS help you feel confident about your early career and getting your first role?

I felt confident about the interview tests due to assignments and skills learnt at OMBS. As soon as the tests began, I knew that I knew exactly how to do the tasks! The interview skills focus really helped, particularly my mock interview feedback.

I applied for the job through LinkedIn, so having a great profile helped me from this perspective. I gained IT confidence due to all the different applications we were taught.


If you’d like to find out more about the Professional Business Diploma curriculum please contact our Director of Admissions.

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