Considering university alternatives? The benefits of a gap year of travel with OMBS graduate Ella Hanegraaf

Why the Professional Business Diploma could give you the desired skills for future employment and gap year volunteering opportunities…


The Professional Business Diploma is an intensive academic year of studying over 20 hours per week in a classroom environment. After graduation some of our students choose to take a gap year, allowing them to consider what they want to do next (continue in higher education or begin their career), and enjoy the fantastic opportunities that traveling brings.

So we were thrilled to hear from Ella, a July 23 graduate, who got in touch following her return from a gap year traveling around central South America.

Here, she shares her most memorable travel experiences, how she used her OMBS skills to help fund her travels and what she plans to do next…

Since graduating from OMBS what have you been up to?

After graduating, I immediately spent the summer working for a cookery school. Having a qualification in hospitality and a keen interest in food, I loved having the opportunity to cook for families on holidays in beautiful places like Cornwall.

In September, my travels to central South America with two school friends began! We flew first to Mexico. Even though we knew which countries we wanted to visit, we decided to keep our travels very flexible. This meant we could follow other travelers’ recommendations of what to do and where to go!


Why did you decide to take a gap year and what can you tell us about it?

Like many other young people, I didn’t know what to do after graduating from OMBS. I definitely didn’t quite feel ready for ready for full-time employment. I decided to take some time out to get some perspective on my future career, and what better way to do that than on a gap year of travel?

We backpacked through Mexico, Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and finally Columbia. We absolutely loved it and tried to see as much as possible of each country!

The highlight of my travels was in Guatemala where we climbed to see the active volcano Acatenango. It was the most incredible one-day hike I would recommend to any traveler!


Which OMBS skills were most useful to you in your volunteer role?

Towards the end of our trip we found ourselves at an amazing hostel in the jungle called El Rio. Attached to the hostel was the El Rio Foundation, the main school for local children in the area. We were running low on traveling funds by this point so we took an opportunity to become “Creative Volunteers”, which gave us free food and accommodation in the hostel.

We then had an amazing opportunity to help the hostel host a four-day long music festival! We helped with the organisation of it and the management of the event itself. We used so many of our OMBS skills!

Our Excel and budget management skills were particularly useful, and we used our teamwork skills in working alongside and organising around 50 other volunteers.


What advice would you give to a young person considering a gap year?

Don’t feel like you need to follow the crowd! You have plenty of time to make career choices and decisions, and spending time widening your horizons is really important for your personal development.

Remember that everything you do is an opportunity to make new and interesting connections. I met so many amazing people from different walks of life and I can’t wait to travel again!


What are your future plans now?

I plan to spend the summer cooking for families again as I really enjoy it. In September I will move to London to find permanent work in either the travel or food industry. I feel confident and excited about starting my career, but I will also work towards traveling again in 3-4 years time as I have a travel bug now!

If you’d like to find out more about the Professional Business Diploma curriculum, please contact our Director of Admissions.



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